Why hair shed after hair transplant?

Hair transplant

Causes of Hair Fall    

Almost every individual is suffering from hair fall, which is not a good sign for sure! Hair loss or hair fall is the shedding of hair which can be temporary or permanent. It largely varies from person to person because of hormonal changes, genetics, unhealthy diet and improper scalp care.

Hair occur all over the body in the form of hair follicles. Hair can be present on the face, chest, back, stomach, arms, armpits and almost every other part of the body. There is a hair shaft in the hair follicle that grows non-stop every day and reaches out of the skin. As new hair are formed from the roots of hair, old hair are pushed out of the skin. This pushing out is known as hair fall. 

There can be many causes for hair fall. The most common reason for hair fall is genetics. Some people have a tendency to lose hair more than others and they suffer from finer hair on the head too. Genetic factors account for around 76-84% of all cases of hair fall. Besides genetics, there are many other factors that can also cause hair fall.

When we talk about hair fall or rather hair loss, we are talking about a very complex set of conditions. These could be diabetes, stress, lack of nutrition, thyroid issues, etc. So basically it is almost impossible for a single product to treat all cases of hair fall.

Even though there are a large number of hair fall treatment clinics available in the country and a number of products available in the market, it is important to understand the working of hair fall treatments.

Hair fall Treatments

Hair fall is a common problem in men and sudden loss of hair can be devastating. But fear not, as you can battle it out with these effective treatments.

Minoxidil: This is a topical treatment, which often works for both male pattern baldness and female pattern hair loss. It is the first-line topical treatment for male pattern hair loss and two-thirds of men treated with it see regrowth within a few months.

Hair fall treatments are very diverse and usually depend on the cause of the hair fall. Some of the hair fall treatments are also available in the form of special pills, or even as herbal supplements. These include herbal supplements for hair loss as well. These are available in Ayurveda and are ideal for both men and women suffering from hair fall problems.

Another most widely used treatment is a hair transplant.

Hair Transplants: What You Should Know

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that moves healthy hair from a donor area to a bald or balding area. The primary goal of this surgical procedure is to provide you with a natural look.

The Benefits of Hair Transplant:

There are a number of benefits associated with this surgical procedure. These include:

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Lessening the pressure to constantly cover your hair by styling or wearing hats
  • Lessening the pressure to have hair transplants from people close to you
  • Improved quality of life, allowing you to participate in hair-related activities and social events

The Drawbacks of Hair Transplant:

Is hair transplant safe? Well, there is a major drawback of this procedure: The hair goes through a phase where it starts shedding.

Hair Shedding After Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant is a surgical hair restoration procedure in which follicles are removed from one part of the body, most commonly the back of the head (called the donor site) and transplanted to bald or balding parts of the scalp (called the recipient site). For hair transplantation to be successful, an adequate number of healthy follicles must be transplanted to ensure that enough hair will regrow to produce a full head of hair. The number of follicles that can be transplanted depends on the size (diameter) of the follicle. Each follicle contains one to several hair. As a result, one follicle may yield between one and four hair during a hair transplant procedure.

Although the transplanted hair starts growing, the transplanted hair will start to fall off more than the natural hair on the head. Hair shedding is normal and it happens to some people in the first few weeks after they have their hair transplant. That's because the transplantation process weakens the natural roots of one’s hair, and the scalp has to go through an adjustment period. Just know that shedding is a natural part of the entire process, and it will get better with time.

The shedding phase can last from a few weeks to several months or even longer, and everything depends on each person’s unique genetic makeup.

There are many reasons why hair sheds after a hair transplant. One of the main reasons is that during the process of hair transplantation, the immune system reacts to these grafts as if they were foreign bodies and attempts to eliminate them. 

Another reason for shedding is that a hair transplant is not the only intervention that has been done in a patient at the same time. Some patients receive chemotherapy at the same time, which leaves the scalp exposed to this drug for an extended period of time, and this damages the follicles. Another cause of hair shedding is radiation exposure.

If you have just had hair transplantation, then you will be curious why your new hair is falling out. Hair that is transplanted becomes part of the natural cycle and sheds naturally in the same way as your original hair.

After a hair transplant, it is essential to take proper care of the transplanted hair. The right kind of care can make your hair grow back faster and stronger.

As far as post-hair-transplant care is concerned, there are many things that surgeons agree on. However, some aspects depend entirely on the individual and his condition. It is always better to know in advance as much as possible about the transplant and all the little things that you need in order to take care of your hair after a hair transplant.

Taking Care of Hair After Hair Transplant

Getting a hair transplant is a very expensive procedure and it is not unusual that a hair transplant procedure can cost you a hefty amount. We are living in the twenty-first century, which is the age of technology and almost every part of our life has been digitised so why getting a hair transplant should be an excuse for not taking care of yourself properly. There are many things that you need to do after a hair transplant to make sure that you are healthy and everything goes well.

Now that you have a good idea about hair transplant surgery and hair transplant side effects, it's time to take care of your new head of hair. After all, you've spent a lot of time and money to look great. You need to take care of your investment and also take care of yourself.

The first thing you need is patience and time. It takes some time for the transplanted hair to grow out from your scalp and become visible. If you're impatient and try to get rid of the bandage before the hair starts growing then chances are you're going to compromise the growth potential of your transplanted hair and end up with just a flat area on your head.

It is important to visit your doctor within a week after the operation, especially if you have just undergone a FUT or FUE procedure. This will help you get acquainted with the people who are in charge of your aftercare.

Take Away

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of healthy hair from one part of the scalp to other parts where hair is thinning. Hair restoration surgery usually requires two or more sessions with a few months of the gap in between sessions to let the scalp recover. 

You should also be aware of the do’s and don’ts of hair transplants. The word ‘transplant’ refers to the transfer of healthy hair from one part of the body to another. Since the procedure is an unnatural process, the recipient area needs more time and care than normal to get back to normal. So, there are many things to keep in mind regarding hair transplants before and after the procedure.

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