What is a beard implant?

Beard implant

Beard implant

Beard implant as a concept is growing by the day, just like hair transplant you can also get a beard transplant if you are unable to grow a sufficient beard or are facing hair fall. 

A beard implant or facial implant refers to the process of restoring the hair in your face, however, the process of this implant is slightly different from the hair transplant. 

A lot of people opt for a facial implant only because they are going through some serious beard hair fall, there are plenty of reasons for this. Here we have mentioned a few of those. 

  • Medications- you may be suffering from beard hair loss due to any previous medical treatment or an ongoing medication such as for cancer treatment, like chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Certain Hair Loss Types- people who suffer from alopecia areata or traction alopecia have a higher chance of experiencing facial hair loss
  • Trauma/stress- hair fall can also be infused by any traumatic or stressful events in your life like accidents, losing a loved one they can cause a trigger for facial hair loss
  • Scars- if you have been in a recent accident then you face scarring this can also lead to hair loss from the specific region of your face.

Procedure for beard implant 

After noting down the reasons for beard hair fall we are moving forward with the procedure of a beard implant. 

Beard implants usually happen in two ways:

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE): This is the first approach for a beard implant, it is done by harvesting the complete follicular units one at a time from the donor area. FUE is usually less painful, this method is opted by more people.
  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT): This is the second approach for a beard implant; it starts with the surgeon making small cuts of tissue from the back of the head, and the hair follicles are then removed and placed in the implant area.

Here is how the implant takes place:


Either you choose FUE or FUT in both of the types of implants the first step that your doctor will incorporate is shaving your hair from the area that will be used in harvesting the hair later on.

Shaving the hair from the area gives them a clearer view of the hair follicles, you will be given a local anesthetic before the process of harvesting starts so that you do not feel pain.


Once the follicles have been harvested from your head the doctor will inject a local anesthetic in your face where the harvested hair will be implanted. This is a crucial process and takes as each follicle is placed by hand into the facial skin, shaping your new beard the way you want it to be.


Recovery is an important part of the process. You need about a few days before you can go back to your normal routine life. You may see flakes near your implants but do not worry as they will dry out in a few days.

You will be able to shave in about a week to 10 days after your beard implants and you can go back to your routine lifestyle. Your new beard hair may fall out after 2 or 3 weeks, this is extremely normal and a part of the process.

Home care instructions that you must follow

Beard implant is a crucial procedure so be careful and follow all the home care instructions given by the doctor. You will be provided with some of the basic antibiotic ointment for your scalp and face to help in recovery.

Here are some activities you need to avoid for about 2 weeks after your beard implant.

  • swimming
  • exposure to direct sunlight
  • smoking
  • using a sauna or hot tub
  • physical activity and exercise
  • touching, rubbing, or scratching the areas.

You will also be advised to not wash or scrub your face for a couple of days, make sure you cleanse your face regularly to avoid infections.

Potential side effects of beard implants

Here are some of the potential side effects of beard implants that you may face:

  • swelling
  • redness
  • tightness
  • numbness
  • temporary scabs or crustiness

Scarring, itching, and pain are a part of this process, make sure you are aware of all the pros and cons of the process before you go ahead with it. 

Possible substitutes for beard implant

Here are some of the substitutes for beard implants that you can opt for.

Beard Growth Serum- Minoxidil 

Beard growth serum is beneficial for people who want to grow their beard and rejuvenate their beard follicles. This serum will nourish and hydrate the damaged hair follicles and will help in promoting beard growth. 

Beard growth serum will help you in quick beard growth and is clinically proven to regrow beard up to 25% more in 10-12 weeks. This Growth Serum will help in producing hair protein creation, for beard growth which will advance the growth of the beard. This serum is alcohol-free and trusted by dermatologists all across the world. Lastly, this serum contains 5% w/v Minoxidil and Excipients. 

Biotin tablets for beard growth 

Biotin is essential for beard and scalp growth. These Biotin tablets are enriched with multivitamins and they help in beard growth. They reduce beard fall and make your beard stronger & healthier than before.

Biotin tablets contain: 

  • Biotin 5000 mcg.
  • Vitamin E 20 mg.
  • Vitamin A 10 I.U.
  • Vitamin C 180 mcg.
  • Zinc 1.25 mg.

Biotin is an essential component to grow your beard as it is essential for protein synthesis, our hair is 80% made out of protein so our body requires a healthy amount of Biotin to produce beard hair.

Take Away 

A Beard implant can be painful and costly so if you are sure about this method then you can go ahead with this, we have mentioned some substitute ways in which you can grow your beard, if you want to wait out all your other options then you should do that first. 

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