What Happen If We Eat Slate Pencil?

side effects of eating slate pencil

Eating slate pencils may seem like strange and unusual behaviour, but surprisingly, it's not as uncommon as you may think. Some people, especially children, have been known to have a fondness for nibbling on these chalky sticks. However, while it may seem harmless or even fun, eating slate pencils can have serious consequences for your health. In this article, we'll explore what happens when you eat slate pencils and why it's essential to avoid this unusual eating habit. So sit tight and prepare yourself for a fascinating and informative read!

Does eating Slate Pencil causes Kidney Stones?

Ah, the curious case of slate pencil munching! While it may sound like an innocent and quirky habit, the truth is that consuming slate pencils can lead to some severe health issues, including kidney stones.

You see, slate pencils are made of a type of clay called kaolin, which is high in oxalate content. Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds found in some foods, and when consumed in excess, they can combine with calcium in the body to form crystals, which can lead to the development of kidney stones.

So, when you eat slate pencils, the excess oxalates in your body can bind with the calcium in your kidneys, leading to the formation of small, hard stones. These stones can then cause excruciating pain while passing through the urinary tract and may even require surgery to remove them.

But wait, there's more! Consuming slate pencils can also lead to other health problems such as gastrointestinal issues, anaemia, and malnutrition. So, if you or someone you know has a habit of snacking on slate pencils, it's crucial to break this habit as soon as possible to avoid any long-term health consequences.

Why do I feel like Eating Slate Pencil?

Well, well, well! It seems like we've got ourselves a slate pencil-craving connoisseur here. You know, I can't help but wonder why anyone would want to munch on these chalky sticks, but hey, to each their own, right?

Now, let's get to the bottom of this peculiar craving. You see, slate pencils are made of kaolin clay, and some people believe that the texture and taste of the clay can be satisfying to chew on. Others even claim that it has some medicinal benefits like curing acidity and improving digestion. But, as we mentioned earlier, consuming slate pencils can lead to health issues, so it's essential to break this habit.

How to stop eating Slate Pencil?

Breaking a habit can be a challenging task, but don't worry; we've got your back! Here are a few tips to help you stop eating slate pencils:

Find a substitute: 

Instead of snacking on slate pencils, try to find a healthy alternative. For example, if you crave the texture of the slate pencil, try chewing on some sugar-free gum or crunchy vegetables like carrot sticks.

Keep yourself busy: 

Sometimes, we eat out of boredom or habit. So, try to keep yourself busy by engaging in activities that distract you from the habit. This could be anything from reading a book, taking a walk, or even knitting.

Seek support: 

It's always helpful to have someone to lean on when you're trying to break a habit. So, talk to your friends or family members about your slate pencil craving and ask for their support in helping you overcome it.

Address the root cause: 

Sometimes, our cravings are a result of an underlying issue. So, try to identify why you're craving slate pencils. Are you tense, or bored? Once you've identified the root cause, you can address it and find healthier ways to cope with those emotions.

Seek professional help: 

If you're struggling to break the habit on your own, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist or counsellor can help you work through the underlying issues and develop a plan to break the habit.

Remember, breaking a habit takes time and effort, but with the right mindset and support, you can overcome anything. So, say goodbye to those slate pencils and hello to a healthier, happier you!

Slate Pencil eating Side-effects

Here are some of the potential side effects of eating slate pencils:

Dental problems: 

The gritty texture of slate pencils can damage tooth enamel and lead to dental problems like cavities and chipped teeth.

Gastrointestinal issues: 

Consuming slate pencils can cause digestive problems like constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain.


Eating slate pencils can lead to malnutrition as they do not provide any nutritional value and can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients.


Slate pencils can interfere with iron absorption, leading to anaemia, a condition in which the body doesn't have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues.

Kidney stones: 

As we discussed earlier, slate pencils contain high levels of oxalates, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Intestinal obstruction: 

In rare cases, consuming slate pencils can lead to intestinal obstruction, a condition in which the digestive system is blocked, and food cannot pass through.

So, if you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's essential to seek medical attention immediately. Remember, your health is too precious to risk for the sake of a chalky snack!


While eating slate pencils may seem like a fun and interesting habit, it can lead to several health issues. These include dental problems, gastrointestinal issues, malnutrition, anaemia, kidney stones, and intestinal obstruction. To break the habit, try finding a healthy substitute, keeping yourself busy, seeking support, addressing the root cause, and seeking professional help if needed. Remember, your health should always come first!


Q: Is slate pencil harmful for teeth?

A: Yes, slate pencils are harmful to teeth due to their gritty texture, which can damage tooth enamel and lead to dental problems like cavities and chipped teeth.

Q: Does slate pencil digest?

A: No, slate pencils do not digest as they are made of kaolin clay, which is not digestible.

Q: Eating slate pencil cause cancer?

A: There is no evidence to suggest that eating slate pencils can cause cancer. However, consuming slate pencils can lead to other health issues like dental problems, gastrointestinal issues, malnutrition, anaemia, kidney stones, and intestinal obstruction.

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