What causes lice on hair?

Hair lice

Hair lice

Hair lice are a very common problem among people, especially among young children, hair lice are often transferable and can cause a lot of problems on your scalp.

Head lice are little bugs that feed on blood from the human scalp. A perversion of head lice regularly influences kids and typically results from the immediate exchange of lice from the hair of one individual to the hair of another. 

A head-lice perversion is anything but an indication of helpless individual cleanliness or a messy living climate. Head lice don't convey bacterial or viral infections. Over-the-counter and professionally prescribed meds are accessible to treat head lice. Adhere to treatment directions cautiously to free your scalp and hair of lice and their eggs.

Symptoms of Hair Lice 

Here are the common signs and symptoms of hair lice.

  • Tingling sensation: The most widely recognized symptom of a lice invasion is tingling on the scalp, neck, and ears. This is an unfavorably susceptible response to the insect. At the point when an individual has a lice pervasion interestingly, tingling may not happen for about a month and a half after the invasion.
  • Lice on the scalp: Lice might be noticeable however are hard to spot since they're little, keep away from light and move rapidly. 
  • Lice eggs on hair shafts: Lice eggs stick to hair shafts. Hatching eggs might be hard to see since they're exceptionally small. They're simplest to spot around the ears and the hairline of the neck. The presence of eggs doesn't really show a functioning invasion. 
  • Injuries on the scalp neck and shoulders: Scratching continuously because of the irritation that the lice causes can lead to little, red bumps that may here and there get contaminated with microscopic organisms.

The life of Hair lice 

A head louse is a tan or grayish creepy-crawly insect about the size of a strawberry seed. It benefits from human blood from an individual's scalp. The female louse delivers a sticky substance that immovably connects each egg to the foundation of a hair shaft close to 3/16 inches from the scalp. 

A louse goes through three phases: 

  • Eggs that hatch in about six to nine days. 
  • Youthful types of the louse that become full grown-ups following nine to 12 days. 
  • Grown-up lice, which can live for three to about a month. The female mite lays six to 10 eggs per day.

How Can You Get Hair Lice?

Head lice crawl, however they can't jump or fly. Transmission of a head louse from one person to another happens directly by head-to-head contact.

Here are some other ways in which head lice might get transferred. 

  • Hats and scarves
  • Brushes and combs
  • Hair accessories
  • Headphones
  • Pillows, towels, and upholstery

This is called the indirect transfer which could also occur among items of clothing stored together. For example, hats or scarves hung on the same hook or stored in the same school locker could serve as vehicles for transmitting lice, so be very careful to keep looking at your hair if you feel like you might be infected.

Home Remedies To Treat Hair Lice 

After talking about the symptoms and causes of hair lice now it is time to talk about some home remedies that can be helpful in treating hair life. 

Neem oil

Neem oil is known for a lot of things but one of the things it’s most effective on is lice. Neem contains azadirachtin, an insecticidal ingredient that helps in killing lice and restoring a healthy scalp. 

Apply neem oil overnight on your scalp and comb your hair the next morning to remove all the dead lice, rinse your scalp after this. If you still notice a few lice remaining then you can repeat this process once again to get rid of all the lice.


Brushing wet hair with a fine-toothed brush might eliminate lice and a few eggs. Exploration is uncertain of the viability of this technique. Just as the hair is wet, something ought to be utilized to grease up the hair, like a hair conditioner. 

Brush the whole head from the scalp to the furthest limit of the hair to some extent twice during a meeting. You need to do this at least 3-4 days continuously so you can remove all the live lice.

Essential oils

Essential oils also help in getting rid of lice, here are some oils that you can try for yourself:

  • tea tree oil
  • anise oil
  • ylang-ylang oil
  • Nerolidol
  • eucalyptus oil
  • lavender oil

Take Away 

Hair lice is a common problem among people, it is most likely found in children as they are unaware of who to mingle with and who not to. We hope the information shared above is helpful to you, be safe from hair lice as they can irritate and cause damage to your scalp. 

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