Ways To Improve Testicular Health

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Tips to Increase Seminal Fluid and Testicular Health

An average testis measures up to 5cm*2cm*3cm, and it is alright if one testis is bigger than the other. The size of the testicles does not influence pherti-lity. Testicle size increases during intercourse due to increased blood flow. They come to their normal size after climax.

This article will give you information to improve Testicular health and also focus on some common myths that you can avoid.

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Here are some tips for maintaining testicular health:

1. Maintain and Monitor Diet:

Minerals like Zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and healthy fats such as omega 3 fatty acids, etc help in increasing s-perm cells count. You can also take supplements of these nutrients to help in enhancing your overall reproductive health.

2. Regular Workout:

Maintaining normal weight helps in stress relief and also stimulates testo production which will, in turn, stimulate luteinizing hormone. Thus helping to improve testicular health. 

Although too much exercise can also lower testo levels. Thus it is advised to maintain exercise moderately.

3. Good Sleep: 

Helps in reducing stress and also improves stamina to exercise. Less sleep is associated with will lower s-perm count.

4. Avoid Smoking:

Regular smokers have a 30% more probability of pherti-lity issues. Smoking can kill s-perms, so it is advised to reduce or completely avoid smoking. It is also known to decrease s-perm count and also semen. Drugs and alcohol consumption can decrease lovemaking desire.

5. Have Protected lovemaking: 

Wear a condom during any lovemaking activity to avoid contracting any STI.

6. Maintaining Temperature:

Testicles need less optimal temperature than body temperature. Thus it gets affected by overheating, so it is better to avoid hot tubs, tight briefs, avoid laptops on your lap.

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7. Regular Examination: 

You can self-examine testicles by rolling each testicle between your fingers. Look out for any hard lumps, nodules any abnormalities, and consult your physician immediately if you have observed any abnormalities.

8. Maintain Hygiene:

Shower and clean your genitals regularly. Also, make sure to keep the region dry and free from moisture as it might become a breeding ground for various germs. 

One can use an intimate hygiene wash to maintain hygiene in private parts.

Testicular Conditions:

There are many testicular diseases known, most of them acute diseases.

 Here are some common medical issues related to testo.

1. Testicular Torsion:

It refers to the condition of testicles turning around inside the scrotum, winding s-permatic cord, damaging blood supply, functions, and s-perm transfer. It might occur due to any injury, heavy workout, etc. Commonly observed symptoms include swelling of the scrotum, nausea, frequent urination, and pain. Treatment includes surgery in severe cases or turning around testicles manually by your andrologist.

2. Hydrocele:

It is a condition that occurs due to fluid accumulation in the cavities of testicles. It is commonly present at birth and disappears by the age of one. If it exists in a much later phase, then it might be due to inflammation or injury. Symptoms include aches in the testicles, heaviness in the testis, and noticeable swelling. However, any treatment is not required as symptoms decrease on their own unless it is a much more severe case.

3. Orchitis:

It is caused by bacterial or viral infections leading to swollen or inflamed testicles. They are generally transmitted through STIs. Some of the common symptoms include pain in the testis, tenderness, swollen scrotum, fever, and nausea. Medications include antibiotics with anti-inflammatory drugs to ease the symptoms. It is generally cured in 1-2weeks.

4. Hypogonadism:

It refers to a situation when your body is unable to produce adequate testo.  It might be due to testicle problems, external injury, infection, or from birth. Symptoms vary according to age.

In infants, proper formation of genitals does not take place or both types of genital parts are present

Teenagers lack secondary lovemaking characteristic signs like muscular growth, low body hair, no deep voice, and also unusual growth of arms and legs.

Adults showcase body hair loss, growth in breast tissues, low bone density, erection problems, and also lack of pherti-lity.

Hormone replacement therapy treatment is the most sorted treatment.

5. Testicular Cancer:

It occurs when tumour cells multiply rapidly within the testicles and the reasons are not yet known. Symptoms include lumps in the testis, heavy scrotum, pain in the testis, back pain, tender/ swollen breasts, and fluids in the scrotum. Possible treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical remove of tissue, or in severe cases complete removal of the testicle.

Myths Related to Testis:

There are no exercises that will increase the size of your balls. No matter what size your tests are, it is normal. Here are some exercises which claim to increase testicle size but do more harm than good.

The tugging or pulling scrotum can damage the skin, blood vessels, nerves, and tissue present in the testis. This can also cause internal bleeding.

Surgeries and injections to make testicles larger can cause many complications such as infections, injury, and necrosis (death of tissue).

Stretching the scrotum using weights can only cause tissue damage and internal bleeding.

Take Away 

It is very crucial to take proper care of the genitals including the testis for proper functioning. It is also equally important to observe for any abnormalities to avoid any severe conditions. 

If you want to know more about health-related issues and want to purchase doctor's recommended products, then you can visit our Mars by GHC website.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

1. Does testicular affect s-perm count? 

Yes, The temperature of an undescended testicle is greater because it remains up in the body. As a result, men have fewer and lower-quality s-perm, which makes it more difficult for them to fertilise a woman's egg and have children.

2. How can you tell if a male s-perm is healthy? 

  • Quantity (volume). Every millilitre (mL) of semen contains 15 million or more healthy s-perm.
  • Movement (motility). It's typical for some s-perm to migrate ineffectively or not at all.
  • Shape (morphology). The heads and tails of healthy s-perm are rounded.

3. Does testicle size affect the amount of s-perm?

Yes, Reduced s-perm density is associated with lower testicle size.


  1. Testicle - Wikipedia
  2. Jing-Bo Dai, Zhao-Xia Wang, and Zhong-Dong Qiao, Nov-Dec 2015, The hazardous effects of tobacco smoking on male pherti-lity
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