Rajma nutrition and benefits for health

Rajma beans in a bowl | Rajma benefits

Rajma benefits

Rajma, commonly known by the name kidney bean, is a kind of legume which is consumed in various countries across the world. There are several types of rajma in India, like red kidney beans, white beans, and black kidney beans.

Plant based collagen

Rajma might possess the following health benefits:

1. Lowers Blood Sugar

It might help to lower your blood sugar levels. When rajma is properly prepared, they are effective at maintaining blood sugar levels at bay as they are rich in protein, fibre, and other slow-releasing carbs. Other than this, kidney beans also have a lower GI score thus resulting in a low rise in blood sugar after the meal.

It has been indicated that eating these kidney beans may reduce the person’s risk of type-2 diabetes.

2. Cancer Prevention

Did you know that rajma also promotes colon health and reduces the risk of colon cancer? Many clinical types of research have been conducted and found that a higher intake of legumes like kidney beans was linked with decreased risk of a number of cancers from occurrence including kidney, upper aerodigestive tract and stomach, and colorectum.

3. Great Stomach Aid

It might be good for stomach-related problems/as these kidney beans contain both soluble and insoluble kinds of fibres which help in promoting overall digestive health and easy bowel activity. However, you must not overindulge in it as it may cause gas, bloating, and flatulence.

4. Weight Management

It might help you in effectively managing your weight. If you are feeling heavy around your waist, kidney beans could be your perfect fodder. Many observational studies have found that eating rajma and other legumes at least four times per week leads to greater weight loss than having a bean-free diet.

5. Help In Easing Asthma

The magnesium present in your kidney beans has an effective bronchodilator effect and ensures the smooth passage of air in and out of your lungs smoothly. 

6. Rich In Minerals

Rajma is rich in iron, molybdenum, copper, manganese, folate, potassium and Vitamin K1. Out of these, iron aids in various important functions of the body, while Vitamin K1 is very important for the coagulation of blood. Iron along with copper allows your body to form red blood cells. An adequate amount of copper in your diet may help you in preventing  cardiovascular disease.

Rajma protein content

These kidney beans are a storehouse of protein richness and an ideal replacement for the consumption of red meat. In fact, filling your plate with hot rajma chawal is a perfect balance of protein content on par with dairy or even meat protein without added saturated fat and calories. A cup of kidney beans provides your body with the richness of 15 grams of quality protein.

Rajma protein content per 100g

Kidney beans or rajma mainly consist of carbs and fibre along with a good source of protein. 100 grams of boiled kidney beans have around:

Calories – 127

Protein – 8.7 grams

Carbs – 22.8 grams

Sugar – 0.3 grams

Fibre – 6.4 grams

Fat – 0.5 grams

Water – 67%

Vitamin D3

Rajma is good for weight loss

Along with its splendid health benefits, rajma also helps in weight loss.

The best way to aim for weight loss is by consuming healthy food that keeps you full for a longer time.

Rajma is high in proteins and fibres. Rajma for weight loss can be considered as a part of your diet as it is digested slower than other foods of a meal. The slow release of energy keeps you full for a longer time and helps you in curbing constant hunger pangs.

Legumes like rajma are filled with resistant starch, which makes the process simple for the digestive system. The soluble fibre prevents the occurrence of constipation and its linked problems like bloating and stomach ache. Rajma for weight loss is a good way to have nutritious food without having to watch what you eat.


Rajma is an excellent plant-based source of protein. They’re rich in several minerals, vitamins, fibres, antioxidants, and other unique plant compounds.

Therefore, these beans may help in weight loss, boost colon health, and moderate your blood sugar levels.

However, they should always be properly cooked before consumption. Raw or improperly cooked beans can be toxic to your health 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is rajma good for health?

Rajma is rich in molybdenum, iron, folate, copper, manganese, potassium and Vitamin K1. Of these, iron helps in various vital functions of the body, while Vitamin K1 is essential for blood coagulation.

2. Which rajma is best?

Jammu rajma is a rich source of potassium and magnesium along with soluble fibre and protein. It is utilised predominantly in Kashmiri cuisine.

3. Does rajma cause gas?

Stachyose and raffinose are two unusual and unique starches that can cause gas when we consume beans. This happens as your intestines do not have the capability to break these down. The bacteria in the lining of your stomach break down this starch into hydrogen and carbon dioxide, which can cause gastric issues.


  1. Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) starch: A review
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