Is Your Beard Ready for Summer: Things You Need To Do

tips for beard in summer | Is Your Beard Ready for Summer: Things You Need To Do

How to care for your beard in summer?

If you are also feeling the heat, then welcome to the summer season people! It’s time to rock on your shorts, put your sunscreens on and make sure your beard is ready for the warmer season. 

Preparing your beard ready for summer is a big task! Here are a few tips on how to keep your beard looking its best for the summer days ahead.

Tips To Keep Your Beard Ready For Summer

1. You need to protect it

Your beard is going to take a lot of pressure this season from the UV rays from the sun, chlorine from the pool and plenty of sweat from enjoying the great outdoors. In all that fun that you have in the sun, it is important to remember to keep it soft and clean.

What is the best way to do that? With beard wash and shampoo, you can keep your beard clean and safe. You must remember that your beard hair and the skin underneath it are very different from the hair and skin on your head. You might not want to over-tax your beard with added harshness from the wrong products. Beard washes and shampoos are specifically designed to handle the coarser hair of your beard and the more delicate skin on your face.

2. Hydrate your Beard

We all know the importance of hydrated bodies hold during the summer months, but it is also crucial to keep your skin and beard hydrated as well. The summer sun and scorching heat can damage both your skin and beard, which is why it gets essential to use a facial moisturizer and beard conditioner or beard oil to help in keeping your beard and skin healthy. Both beard oils and moisturizers will also help in combating the dryness you get from increased beard washing during the summer months which can also cause beard itch. 

3. Brush your Beard

Heat and humidity do weird things to hair and our bodies. If you want to prevent tangles and awkward beard puffs, you should brush your beard more than you would during the cooler months. Unless of course, you are absolutely in love with the tangled and unruly beard blob pioneered by seafaring pirates of yore. 

4. Summer of Shaving Time

If you have a big, bushy beard all year long, we salute you! You are stronger than most and your bravery is admired! For others, having a sizeable beard throughout the year can be a trying experience. Summertime is especially challenging when you are sweltering away under all that shag and swagger. So if you cannot stand the heat, you must shave off your beard

There is no shame in giving your beard a slight trim for the summer season. You will be surprised at how much of a difference clipping off just a few centimetres can make. 

A lighter beard on your anyone’s face makes their whiskers far more breathable, which goes along with keeping things cooler at the very least. If you keep your beard sharp, it will also work wonders for the skin beneath it.

  • Trim It Up First

Before you even attempt to shave off your beard you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble by trimming with a good beard trimmer it up at first and giving your razor much less work to do. The rule to go there is that if your beard is more than half an inch long you are safer trimming it up first to prevent more cuts and nick

  • Shave After The Shower

Well, there is the best time for shaving. If you shave, after you take a shower it does a lot of great things for you. It helps in opening up your pores, making your skin hydrated, making your hair softer and it is a great safety net for those with facial acne.

Even if you didn’t have facial acne before you might develop some under your beard and you want to make sure you don’t make them worse or cause scarring when you shave. If you want your skin well moisturized and clean, you must shower first.

  • Have The Proper Products On Hand

While most men might not be all that hip to skin care tips, you must have some products for your beard care or its removal. Some of the skincare products can be really useful to men, including (and maybe especially) those with facial hair.

Once your beard has been shaved you are more than likely going to be battling some dry skin, so you might want to ensure you have some great products that help you with your aftershave issues. 

You might want to use natural products so you know they are good for your skin and if you have acne or sensitive skin you will require products that cater for your needs. It is very much important to do some research before you shave.

Summer foods for beard growth

Summer is the perfect time to focus on beard growth. The warmer weather and longer days provide the perfect conditions for your facial hair to thrive. And luckily, there are plenty of summer foods that can help give your beard a boost.

From avocados to sweet potatoes, here are 5 summer foods that are great for beard growth:

1. Avocados

2. Sweet potatoes

3. Cantaloupe

4. Nuts

5. Eggs

How To Let It Grow?

Just because it’s getting hotter does not mean you need to necessarily chop that glorious man mane of yours down. A bigger and longer beard helps you beat the heat by blocking the sun from hitting your neck and thereby helps keep you cooler. 

Not only that but if you also void trimming it, you are getting a head start on peak growing months in the fall. Been said that there is no reason to let it turn into a wildman beard. You have to ensure you have the right tools to keep it looking neat and tidy. 


Mino-xidil is a vasodilator which means that it widens and relaxes the scalp, widens the blood vessels, and provides a better blood flow into the scalp.

Mino-xidil makes it easy for blood to reach and spread all over the scalp, with better blood flow in the hair follicles it helps them to rejuvenate and grow at a faster pace. Mino-xidil does not stop Hair fall but it helps in hair regrowth. 

The Beard Growth Serum - Mino-xidil helps treat hair loss and regrow fuller hair.

  1. This serum helps in quick beard growth and is clinically proven to regrow up to 25% more hair in 10-12 weeks.
  2. This Growth Serum attempts to help hair follicle action and hair protein creation, for beard growth.
  3. It is very easy to use and fits easily into your routine.
  4. The solution is alcohol-free and trusted by dermatologists all across the world.
  5. It also contains 5% w/v Mino-xidil and Excipients

Derma Roller for Beard Growth 

Derma rollers have been pretty famous amongst women. But actually, these rollers work for both men and women. For years, women have been using derma rollers to fight several skin problems, the signs of ageing, scars, stretch marks, and hyperpigmentation. 

If your beard is giving you the blues when it comes to dealing with hair loss, then derma rollers from Mars by GHC are excellent for helping you to solve a patchy beard. 

  • Promotes Beard Growth
  • Nourishes The Beard From The Roots
  • Improves Beard Strength
  • Painless process
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Produces collagen
  • Regrowth of dark and thick hair

You need to have some underlying beard growth as far as the effectiveness of using a derma roller for beard growth is concerned. 

The Biotin tab consist of several multivitamins which help in beard growth and improve metabolism. Biotin tab include a total of 10 vitamins. The pills reduce beard fall, improve beard health, promote beard growth, and make your beard stronger & healthier than before.

  • Beard Growth Shampoo

Mars by GHC Beard Growth Shampoo or beard growth oil strengthens beard hair and assists in its growth. It is free from harmful chemicals (Parabens, Sulphates and SLS free). Daily nourishment and protection from breakage is the key to a healthy beard.


With all the tips, be summer ready and flaunt your beard the way you like. Just keep in mind to always clean it properly.

Frequently Asked Question

1. Do beards help keep you cool?

In fact, beards do provide some protection from the sun's damaging UV rays, additionally helping you stay cooler in the summer heat. Your body uses evaporative cooling to help regulate your body temperature. As you perspire and your sweat evaporates, your body cools down.

2. Do beards increase testosterone?

Beard length was not at all related to testosterone levels or dominance; thus, no evidence was found to support the hypothesis that beards are signals of the beard owners' testosterone levels and dominance.

3. Does a beard protect from sun?

Well, your beards don't protect you from the sun's UV rays. It might seem like they do, that a thick beard can stop the harmful radiation from reaching the surface of the skin, but this is not the case.



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