Insomnia: Cause, Symptoms, Risk And Natural Remedies

Insomnia | Insomnia: Cause, Symptoms, Risk And Natural Remedies

Causes and remedies for Insomnia

Almost everyone in their life has experienced Insomnia and it is very natural and common. Sleep cycles may be changed due to various factors but it becomes a health hazard if Insomnia is not treated or administered in the very beginning. 

Our body and mind need ample amounts of sleep to relax and function properly. A relaxed mind can be seen as a newly oiled machine, it is more apprehensive and can rapidly contain all the information and be more assertive. Our body requires a good night's sleep to be able to do all bodily functions properly.

If you don't get enough sleep at night you may be cranky all day, lethargic or may not be able to concentrate on anything at all. Insomnia can be the cause of a lot of underlying issues that go unnoticed in our day-to-day life. Not being able to sleep, not getting the desired rest, and staying up late at night can all be signs of Insomnia which must not be ignored.

What is Insomnia and its Type-

Let us get to know how many types of Insomnia there are and what effects they have on your life.

  • Acute Insomnia:

The first type of Insomnia we are going to talk about is Acute Insomnia, this type of Insomnia may last up to one month and can be caused due to environmental stress a person is going through. This type of Insomnia can get resolved on its own once the stress is settled down.
  • Transient Insomnia: 

This type of Insomnia can last up to a week or two and can get better on its own. This can be seen if the person is going through personal stress or loss, this type of Insomnia is also found in people battling depression.
  • Chronic Insomnia:

This type of Insomnia can last more than a month and the person may be in need of professional help to deal with this type of Insomnia. Most Chronic Insomnia cases begin at the Acute or Transient stage and can build up from there on.

Insomnia Symptoms

Here are some of the most common symptoms of Insomnia-

  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • May wake up many times in the middle of the night
  • Poor concentration and can face memory problems 
  • Frequent headaches and irritability 
  • More prone to tension and depression
  • Deal with fatigue and Acidity 

Causes of Insomnia

Let us dive into the common causes of Insomnia.

  • Taking too much Stress:

Stress can be a common reason for Insomnia in people, we live in a competitive world where we are always trying to do better than others and doing that can be quite stressful. Change of job, city, divorce, marriage, or death of a family member all can be stressful and can cause Transient Insomnia.
  • Poor sleep habits:

If you work till late at night and don't give your body and mind enough rest then you may face Insomnia over the course of time. Constantly being on your phone or using your phone at night may also affect your sleeping patterns.
  • Mental Health Disorders:

Tension and Depression can be a cause of your Insomnia and we would suggest you consult a specialist who can help you overcome this.
  • Medical conditions:

Medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, and thyroid can also cause Insomnia as they can be a source of stress in a person. Medication for these ailments can also lead to Insomnia over time.
  • Sleep-related disorders:

A Sleep disorders called Sleep apnea can cause irritation and restlessness in the body which may cause breathing problems too in a person. This can also make your legs shake which may keep you up all night.
  • Substance abuse:

Smoking and drinking can also cause Insomnia in a person with regular consumption of these substances. We would suggest leaving your bad habits and taking care of your body and mind.
  • Change in activity:

A change in activity can also cause Insomnia for a few weeks in a person as their body needs time to adjust to their new habits.

Can Depression and Anxiety cause Insomnia?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions as our mental health does overall affect our body and sleeping patterns, so let us answer this question for you all. 

Depression as a cause of Insomnia

Studies have shown that people suffering from Depression do have sleeping problems, for most, it might be acute but some people suffering from depression do face chronic Insomnia too.

Even people who take antidepressants face Insomnia, so according to studies Insomnia and depression go hand in hand, our mental health is fragile and can be affected by a small mishap. If you deal with Insomnia and depression at the same time then we would suggest you visit a psychiatrist as they can diagnose you and come up with a treatment that will help you to get better and mentally healthy.

Anxiety as a cause of Insomnia

More than 50% of patients dealing with tension suffer from Insomnia, people who deal with PTSD, panic attacks or OCD may also deal with Insomnia. 

Studies have shown that people who deal with tension find it harder to fall asleep at night, they may stay up late or get an tension attack at night due to overthinking or overanalyzing. If you are going through a tough phase in your life and are dealing with tension and Insomnia then please visit a mental health specialist and get treated as that is the only way to go about it.

Sleeplessness & hair loss

Not having enough sleep, or a prolonged lack of restful sleep can cause a variety of negative affect on your physical health. The increased levels of stress that are due to lack of sleep, and the reduced capacity for normal cellular functioning, may result in conditions of thinning hair or hair loss as well.

Insomnia & skin health

While a single night of poor sleep can make you appear a decade older, chronic insomnia's long-term effect is more than cosmetic. It gradually destroys skin tissue and may lead to dermatitis, eczema, and other skin conditions.

Sleep deprivation may hamper the production of collagen, resulting in a breakdown of the barrier function of the skin and mucous membranes. Sleep deprivation also reduces the immune response. This seems to be the main factor as the immune response may impact the production of collagen.

Natural Ways for Insomnia Treatment

Now let us get into some of the most effective ways to treat Insomnia naturally.

  • Meditation:

If you are not into mindfulness and meditation take this as your cue to join a meditation group. Meditation before bedtime is recommended for a person dealing with Insomnia. Meditation not only uplifts your mood but helps in balancing your chakras, makes you happier and improves your sleeping cycle. Do try this out and let us know if it worked for you!
  • Yoga:

Yoga has a very healthy effect on our mind and body, you can start with beginner Yoga and can increase as and when you feel comfortable. Yoga helps uplift your mood and makes your mind calm and serene.
  • Exercise:

Walking on the grass barefoot or exercising in the gym is up to you but being physically active tends to have a good effect on your mind. Exercising may also make you tired which will help you to fall asleep quicker.
  • Massage:

Massage can help your body relax and make your body reach the transient stage, this will help your mind relax and calm down while you release all the stress and worries from your body. Regular massages will help in easing out your Insomnia. 
  • Lavender essential oil:

Essential oil therapy is good to ease Insomnia, it helps in calming your mind and helps you sleep better. You can also consume Lavender tea which will lower your stress levels and make you fall asleep quickly. 
  • Lifestyle changes:

Eat a balanced diet that contains the required amount of Vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Cut down your sugar consumption and coffee consumption before you go to bed.
  • Cut down Alcohol consumption:

Alcohol can also disturb your sleep cycle so make sure that you do not consume it, it also has a very bad effect on your overall health and body. 

If the above ways don't work for you and if you have chronic difficulty sleeping, you should talk to your doctor about it. Your doctor might consider prescribing you medication to assist with sleeping.


With the causes and symptoms known now, you can easily deal it with the natural remedies mentioned above. If you still find it difficult to manage do consult a specialist near you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What underlying health conditions cause insomnia?

Examples of conditions associated with insomnia include chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, overactive thyroid, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

2. Is insomnia a chemical imbalance?

Insomnia can make you feel as if your mind is racing out of control. A revealing new study explains why your brain might be unable to put a halt on your thoughts. It links the problem with low levels of brain chemicals. The chemical is termed gamma-aminobutyric acid.

3. What kind of herb helps you sleep?

Chamomile is a very popular herbal sleep remedy that's been used for centuries. This herb also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. German chamomile is best consumed as a tea. Roman chamomile has a bit bitter taste and may be taken as a tincture.


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