How can I stop wet dreams?

 Wet dreams

Wet dreams

Any dream that is sexual and causes fluid at the genital is called a wet dream. There is no gender that escapes from wet dreams.

A woman can experience a wet dream due to the presence of a male personality in her dreams whereas a man can experience a wet dream with a woman's personality in his dreams.

As Wikipedia states, a wet dream is a nocturnal emission, informally known as a wet dream, sex dream, nightfall, or sleep orgasm, which is a spontaneous orgasm during sleep that includes ejaculation for a male, or vaginal wetness or an orgasm for a female.

The getting of adolescence into the body is the major cause of wet dreams whereas wet dreams are an understanding of the development of adolescence in the body.

The hormones associated with sexual content and behavior are rapidly acted out to cause wet dreams like scenes or scenarios.

A man or a woman who is wise and sufficiently acknowledged may not worry about the occurrence of wet dreams whereas there are men or women, too, who seriously oppose this condition and categorize it as bad content in the mind.

Wet dreams are opportunities to satisfy one own sexual content or sexual urge or sexual passion or sex energy or sex drive one has as his or her basic instinct.

A virgin is accustomed more to containing wet dreams compared to that of a non-virgin. There is this natural excitement or curiosity about sex after growing into certain age called young age or teenage. During the while, the body with male or female heart tends to look after opposite sex and their company which is the utmost reason to causing wet dreams.

It does not mean that a non-virgin would not face wet dreams. There are men and women who become less interested in sex after experiencing it one time whereas there are men and women who become more contented or addicted to sex after experiencing sexual activity.

There is this misconception in a few or most of the people that the fluid lost on wet dreams would be going to reduce their further fluid content like sperm count but it is not the case. The sexual fluids are designed to get produced constantly without considering how much it has been spelled out or outcasted.

There are people who pray for wet dreams for it is a gratifying content in the mind whereas there are people who pray not to see wet dreams with utmost discipline to their mind and behavior.

Thereby, the people who do not like or are interested in wet dreams would fall into the question of how to control wet dreams.

How can one stop wet dreams?

To the point of wet dreams, few people are concerned about the time a wet dream is taking and worry about changing the brain content for a wet dream can lead a person to think or spend more time on it which results in time consumption which could have been put on other work or content.

Wet dreams are three types. They are conscious wet dreams, subconscious wet dreams, and unconscious wet dreams.

Conscious wet dreams are the ones that a man or a woman composes through willingly imagining or creating in his or her head for sexual gratification.

Subconscious wet dreams are the ones that come in sleep and show up as wetness at the genitals with little or more remembrance of what has been telecasted in the dream that caused wetness.

Unconscious wet dreams are the ones that may not even know when and what has occurred in a dream during sleep but showcase wetness at the genitals when awake.

Now, as wet dreams are an outcome of sleeping dreams, one cannot simply control or stop them. However, there are certain ways that need to be put in habits and lifestyles that could change the pattern.

Coming to conscious wet dreams, one must have one's own mind not to think about sexual or explicit content.

To change dreams and mind content, one can get onto reading books and watching informational or subjective content on the internet.

One can get addicted to movies or music, science or social and make passionate research and development get completed.

One can concentrate on his bodybuilding and reduce his or her time sleeping.

One can get addicted to meditation or spirituality other than decomposing to sexual content.

Take Away

Who are you? A dick in the damper note of life? Well, then, it is a perfect attitude to observe and experience all the sexual hormones generated in the body in a given period of time. Wet dreams are more of a sense and soul gratification.

If you are egoistic and struggling against nature, well, then, go get an intended or intending life which can struggle even more but could bring some materialistic fruits and profits or simply put stress and strain on you.

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