Essential oil of rosemary for hair

Rosemary oil for hair growth

Rosemary oil

Is it possible to treat hair loss with rosemary oil? 

Is there any proof to support the claims? 

How should rosemary oil be used to treat hair loss? 

Take Away 

Rosemary is an herb that can be used in both cooking and medicine. This bushy perennial is native to the Mediterranean region, where it's been utilized as food and medicinal for centuries.  

Oregano, mint, and cinnamon essential oils, as well as rosemary essential oils, are commonly accessible. Essential oils are extremely concentrated distilled extracts of volatile plant components. Cooking, cleaning, beauty, and health are just a few of the roles of these.  

Rosemary essential oil is a common essential oil that may be purchased and used at home. Antioxidants and anti-inflammation are among the oil's health benefits, as are memory enhancement and other advantages. 

In recent years, there have been indications that the oil can aid hair growth. Some suggest it can even prevent hair loss, citing the use of rosemary in hair rinses to promote hair growth for hundreds of years in Mediterranean civilizations as proof. 

Is it possible to treat hair loss with rosemary oil? 

It's possible that rosemary oil boosts hair growth as a result of the herb's numerous health benefits. The plant's essential oil is supposed to: 

  • have anti-inflammatory properties 
  • stimulate nerve development 
  • improve circulation 

Rosemary essential oil promotes circulation, just like peppermint essential oil (which is also used to promote hair growth). As a result, hair follicles may be protected from becoming blood-starved, dying, and losing their hair. 

Rosemary essential oil promotes hair development while also preventing premature greying and dandruff. If your scalp is dry or inflamed, it may help. 

Is there any proof to support the claims? 

According to some scientific research, rosemary may benefit nerve tissue. 

Carnosic acid, the primary ingredient in the plant, was found to repair tissue and nerve damage in one research. This ability to repair nerve endings may also help hair growth to resume by renewing nerves in the scalp. 

Recent research has discovered that rosemary can help prevent hair loss directly. The essential oil was compared to minoxidil, which is sold as Rogaine, in a 2015 study. Both treatments were put to the test on men suffering from androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). 

Minoxidil was shown to be just as efficient as rosemary essential oil. It was more efficient than minoxidil at reducing the itchy scalp side effect of the operation. 

In another study, rosemary leaf extract (which is not the same as the essential oil) was found to promote hair development. When testosterone causes hair loss, this happens (as in pattern baldness). This research, on the other contrary, was conducted on rodents. 

Rosemary's ability to promote hair development has also been recognised in two separate clinical studies, one from 2010 and the other from 2011. The former refers to a study that discovered essential oils can help people with alopecia regrow their hair. Rosemary was also one of those essential oils. 

In the later review, rosemary essential oil was described as a hair loss treatment. Because it enhanced circulation, this was the case. 

How should rosemary oil be used to treat hair loss? 

Here are a few ways to use rosemary essential oil to thicken and repair hair. Use any of these treatments one to two times per week to begin. Use them more frequently as desired or when you've gotten used to them. 

  1. Massage it into your hair and scalp

Apply 5 drops of rosemary essential oil on your scalp after a bath or shower. Toss in a few drops of a carrier oil (like jojoba oil or coconut oil). You can rinse the oil off after that, but if you do, make sure to leave it on your hair for at least 5 to 10 minutes first. 

  1. Mix it thoroughly with your shampoo

This can be seen in conditioners, lotions, and creams. Keep it simple and don't go overboard. A good rule of thumb is five drops per ounce of product. Continue to use the product as usual after that. You can add 2 to 3 drops immediately to a dab of any hair product in your palm before using it. 

  1. Use it to make your own shampoo

A shampoo base can be prepared using a variety of internet recipes. You can also employ essential oils to achieve the desired health and beauty results. These could contain baking soda, coconut oil, essential oil, and possibly other oils. 

Before I use rosemary oil, what should I know about it? 

Make sure no essential oil gets into your eyes. If you come into contact with something, rinse your eyes with cold water right away. 

Applying too much to your scalp is also a bad idea. Plant extracts and essential oil is known to cause skin irritation. It's inconvenient, but it's not harmful to your health. To avoid skin sensitivity, dilute the oil with a carrier oil or another product before applying it. 

It is unknown whether or not using rosemary essential oils while pregnant or lactating is safe. Although the essential oil is only applied topically to cure hair loss, its effects in this area are still unknown.

Take Away 

Many people have found rosemary to be effective in promoting hair growth. You might be able to get the same results by using rosemary essential oil. 

Both science and personal experience strongly suggest that the essential oil can help prevent hair loss, particularly baldness in men and women. It may possibly aid in the treatment of alopecia. 

Rosemary essential oil is a simple home remedy that is likely to be less expensive than commercial remedies. Furthermore, when used correctly, it is quite safe and has very little side effects. 

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