Can A Vegetarian Diet Cause Hair Loss?

Vegan Hair Loss
A vegan diet eradicates all animal products, including eggs and dairy products, and mostly lives upon a plant-based diet for nourishment. Though it is possible to get all the nutrients the body needs by consuming a plant-based diet, it takes balanced planning. In a few cases, a lack of proper nutrition could result in excessive hair loss.
It's completely normal to lose 100 to 200 strings each day, but if you notice you're losing a lot more, consult a professional to make sure you don't suffer from any underlying health problem. You should also keep track of your diet to make sure you're getting enough calories, minerals, vitamins and protein for healthy hair.
The Causes of Vegan Hair Loss
Hair loss around females is not unusual. In one research, 34% of women from Japan, the UK, and the USA reported increased hair loss as compared to the last half-decade. The reasons for hair loss differ from person to person. So, it is crucial to see a doctor who can find the particular problem.
In a few cases, hair loss could be diet-related. Hair loss can sometimes cause of fast weight loss which can lead to switching to a plant-based diet. In one research, hair regrew within a few months after losing weight. In other studies, there are few obvious diet reasons for hair loss.
Protein Problem
A vegan diet should include a vast range of high-protein foods to absorb enough for hair cell regeneration and nourishment. Proteins supply the strength needed for adequate growth of the tissue not only for hair, but for significant tissues like your heart, liver, and lung. Your body will always put your important organs forward of others, which means if your food is less in protein, your hair will tolerate the most.
Proteins are the footing for your hair. It also consists of amino acids, some of which are crucial, which means that they must be consumed each day because the body cannot male them on its own.
There are fewer vegan sources of protein that are easily incorporated into a daily routine. Quinoa, seitan, tofu, soy products, beans, nuts, lentils, and chickpeas.
Iron Deficiency
Leafy green veggies, pulses, and fortified foods may seem to back all the iron you might want. Though, the iron present in the vegetarian diet is not as easily absorbed by our body as iron from non-vegetarian sources.
Iron deficiencies are most common with those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. It can lead to hair loss as well as extreme weakness and fatigue. The adequate recommended amount of iron is 8 milligrams for male and 18 milligrams for female. If you follow a vegan diet then you need at least 1.8 times of your food.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is another important nutrient for your hair growth and it is not found in vegetables or plant-based sources. If you are a vegan, there are plenty of nutritious and delicious soy milk brands and cereals that include B12. You might still want to take a supplement for this as it can be hard to get enough of this important vitamin from these sources alone.
Growing Healthy Hair on A Vegan Diet
1. Lentils
Lentils for example split pigeon peas, red lentils, peas, yellow lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans are extremely rich in folic acid, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and fibre. Research has suggested that mineral and zinc deficiency resulted in diffuse alopecia amongst children.
The proteins that are present in lentils also play a crucial role in healthy hair development. Nutrient deficiency, especially the lack of essential amino acids and micronutrients, can lead to telogen effluvium, male and female pattern baldness.
2. Oatmeal
Oats are extremely rich in beta-glucans, which is a type of soluble fibre. According to a health expert, hair loss problem is often linked with insulin resistance. Due to its high concentration of fibre in oatmeal, it is one food that helps improve the body's insulin sensitivity.
3. Walnuts
Walnuts are one of the most hair-friendly nuts in the entire category. Walnuts contain omega-6 fatty acids more than any other food. They also have zinc, iron, B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9), and plenty of protein then.
However, it is important to note that walnuts also contain a small trace of selenium, which is a mineral known to cause hair loss in people who are selenium-deficient or have way too much in their system. So a handful of nuts over the week would tide you over without much trouble.
4. Spinach
In several cases, particularly in women, a deficiency in minerals is known to be a real cause of hair loss. Spinach is rich in iron and contains sebum, which acts as a natural conditioner for your hair.
The leafy green spinach is also enriched with omega-3 acids, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. All of which help keep hair lustrous, shiny and out of the drain.
5. Avocados
Avocados are enriched with healthy fats that promote the moisture required to prevent hair breakage and helps hair grow strong.
6. Almonds
Almonds are the “superior nut” which is considered as an amazing source of protein and vitamin E which helps in improving elasticity and moisture so your hair will resist breakage and dryness.
7. Kale
Kale is known to be rich in iron and vitamin B. It is also like an alkaline food that helps prevent acidity in the body.
8. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are highly rich in calcium, iron, and vitamin B, all of which helps in promoting strength and healthy hair growth.
9. Flax seeds
Flax seeds are considered a rich source of vitamin E. They provide nourishment to your hair roots, shaft, and scalp. Flaxseeds also contain high contents of Omega-3 fatty acids which help nourish hair follicles.
10. Coconut
You cannot go wrong with coconut. From oils to natural conditioners, coconut is a great source of healthy fats that are required for shiny and healthy hair.
If you want to know more about hair loss, and want to purchase dermatologist-recommended products to reduce hair fall, then you can visit our Mars by GHC website.