After waxing skincare tips

What Happens To Your Skin When You Wax?
Waxing is a procedure that is commonly used to remove unwanted hair from the body. Waxing entails applying a light strip of wax onto the skin and then removing it off with the help of a cloth strip or a cloth strip. Removing the wax strip also removes the hair from its roots which leaves behind smooth, hair-free skin.
There are many benefits of waxing apart from getting smooth, hair-free skin. Waxing can prevent the hair from growing back in that particular area. As you may know that the hair will grow back in time, waxing can slow down the process. The interval between hair re-growth is much longer if you wax as compared to shaving, plucking or using any other method.
Waxing our skin is a time-honoured way of making it smooth; it’s also a popular beauty practice that removes the warmer, coarser hairs from our bodies. The hair is removed from its follicle at the root, which means that it will not grow back as quickly and if done correctly, it can be relatively painless.
Waxing is a popular hair removal choice for many people. It is usually done regularly and can be used on all areas of the body, including the eyebrows, legs, face, and arms. But have you ever wondered what wax actually does to your skin?
Many people think that waxing causes a lot of damage to the skin. But according to some researchers, the amount of surface skin removed during waxing is relatively small and the structures beneath are not damaged.
But here’s the thing; waxing removes the top-most layer of your skin, which is called the epidermis. And while that doesn’t sound like it would be a problem, it actually can be.
The thin top layer of your skin actually protects your body from foreign invaders such as germs. That’s why when you get a paper cut, it can get really painful and start bleeding pretty quickly.
This question may initially seem silly, but it’s a very important one to ask – and it’s something that most people don’t know the answer to.
Skincare Tips Post Waxing
When you are waxing your hair then you have to be very careful about not applying anything that can cause acne to your skin. This is because waxing can cause bumps, pimples, rashes and blackheads or may even lead to cystic acne. These are all the case scenarios that you should be on the lookout for.
Here are some simple ways to take care of yourself after waxing:
After waxing, the skin tends to be red and itchy with the potential of causing rashes. To avoid these, it is important to do a few things post waxing, which will help you minimize skin damage. Panicking after getting waxed is not an ideal move as it can increase your heart rate, which might make you feel worse rather than better.
- Cold Compress
To soothe redness after waxing, apply cold compresses to the area, which will help reduce inflammation and swelling. This can be a cold compress or simply a cold towel soaked in water and wrapped around it for about ten minutes.
- Aloe Vera
For itchiness, try a calming gel such as aloe vera. It has nourishing and soothing effects that can reduce inflammation and itching.
- Sugar Scrubs
Many people also follow some homemade sugar scrubs that can help soothe irritation and prevent ingrown hair from forming. To make your own sugar scrub, mix half a cup of sugar with half a cup of coconut or olive oil. Apply a small amount to the affected area and gently scrub in a circular motion.
- Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil can also soothe recently waxed skin. Oil is more likely to clog pores in the first day or two after waxing, so reserve this remedy for lingering or late-forming irritation.
Do not forget to dilute tea tree essential oil with a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil, before applying it to your skin. Add 10 drops of carrier oil for every 1 drop of tea tree oil. Perform a patch test of diluted tea tree oil on your arm. If there is no reaction in 24 hours, you are free to use it.
- Hydrocortisone Cream
Hydrocortisone cream is a topical steroid that is widely popular for reducing inflammation and swelling. It can be applied after waxing to soothe irritation.
Shaving vs Waxing: Which is better?
Shaving is considered as a simple, less painful and more affordable hair removal process than waxing, a popular method of getting rid of unwanted hair. Contrary to this, waxing is a time-consuming procedure that may hurt a bit more than shaving.
The question is, which of these two popular hair removal techniques is better?
Although the results are fairly similar, there is one key difference: how long they last. On average, waxing lasts around 3-4 weeks because the hair is removed from the root.
Hair grows back much faster with shaving, though - within 3 days to a week. This is because shaving only removes the top layer of the hair.
Shaving is a much safer option for people with sensitive skin as they tend to get more reactions and skin issues like redness, rashes, etc due to waxing.
You can try experimenting with both waxing and shaving to determine which method best suits your skin. If you want some suggestions from an expert, ask a waxing technician at your next appointment. They have seen plenty of hair types and can give fairly unbiased advice.
Take Away
There are always some people who are afraid of waxing. Well, there is nothing wrong with it as long as you follow a few tips. We personally don't have anything against waxing at all and we think if done properly and with the right product, it can be the best method of hair removal there is.